Welcome to the Programs section of our website! Our Service Programs are based on our Catholic beliefs and the principles of our Order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Our Service Programs continue to grow and change to meet the needs of our Order. The Faith in Action program model extends an invitation to Knights of Columbus members and their families, to live out the calling of their faith, the call to service of their neighbor, and to answer the age-old question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gn 4:9).
The Faith in Action model is a realization of the changing needs of men in our present time. It seeks to balance all of our mutual key priorities — Faith, Family, Community and Life — and present them in a way that is clear to our leaders, members and prospective Knights. The simplicity of Faith in Action is that it allows Councils to concentrate on implementing quality, faith-filled, family programs, with the goal of allowing men to lead their family in service — not leave their family for service.
The Faith in Action model provides you and your Council with information to both implement Supreme-recommended programs, and create unique State programs that help men to live out their commitment to the Catholic faith and their desire to serve family, Parish and community. The Faith in Action model allows us to come together to share our faith, celebrate fraternity with our families, and do what we do best — stand shoulder to shoulder in service to our community and to defend life at all stages and in every condition.
Please remember that all of the State Officers, District Deputies, Program Directors, State Chairmen, and Regional Coordinators are here to ensure your success. Never hesitate to reach out and ask questions or for assistance. By allowing us to share in your successes you will allow your Council programs to flourish, and for your membership to continue to grow in enthusiasm.
Fraternally Yours,
Frank Brandis, FDD
General Program Director
JOIN NOW: Men, over the age of 18 years of age, who are practical Catholics can apply to join the Knights of Columbus HERE.
Section | State Council Supported Programs | 2023-2024 Mediary | Organization | |
MOTORCYCLE MINISTRY | Michael Choma, President | [email protected] | www.njkofcmm.com | |
ORGAN DONATION | Greg Ryan | [email protected] | https://www.organdonor.gov/ | |
POLAR BEAR PLUNGE | [email protected] | www.plungeseaside.org | ||
SEND A HERO HOME | A. Thomas Ponting, FDD | [email protected] | Trenton Diocesan Federation | |
SQUIRES/ SQUIRE ROSE | Thomas Rohe, Director | [email protected] | COLUMBIAN SQUIRES / SQUIRE ROSE | |
TANK PULL | Diocese of Paterson | [email protected] | www.TankPull.org | |
UKRAINE: MISSION OF MERCY | Henry Michalkiewicz | [email protected] | Vineland Council 2531 | |
CATHOLIC BOOKS & BIBLES | https://catholicbookpublishing.com/ |