Degree Location: St. Philip the Apostle Marian Hall Clifton
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 6:15pm
Degree Start Time: 6:30pm
Contact Name: Michael Cervine
Contact Title: PGK
Phone Number: 19732203095
Email: [email protected]
Additional Comments: Call for location Directions
Degree Location: St. Bartholomew Community Center
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 6:30pm
Degree Start Time: 7:00pm
Contact Name: Jack Myatt
Contact Title: PGK, PFN
Phone Number: 732-331-4208
Email: [email protected]
Additional Comments: Please reply no later than 2/16 for attendance. Also, this CUF degree will be immediately followed by a Council Business Meeting. Please be sure to bring new candidates pin/rosary for each new candidate.
Degree Location: St. Michael's Church 40 Alden Street Cranford NJ 07016
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 7:00 pm
Degree Start Time: 7:30 pm
Contact Name: James F Vari
Contact Title: District Deputy
Phone Number: 6094623839
Email: [email protected]
Degree Location: St. Mary Church Rosenhayne
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 9:30 AM
Degree Start Time: 10:30 AM
Contact Name: Al Siedlecki
Contact Title: Grand Knight
Phone Number: 856 498 3150
Email: [email protected]
Additional Comments: Degree starts immediately after 9:30 Mass.
Degree Location: Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish. 805 Warren St. Beverly NJ, 08060
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 12:30 pm
Degree Start Time: 13:00
Contact Name: Genaro Gonzalez
Contact Title: District Deputy 34
Phone Number: 6098649523
Email: [email protected]
Additional Comments: The ceremony will be in the meeting room. Please provide the names of the candidates and number of guests. Refreshments will be served after the ceremony. Please provide a candidate kit (Rosary, Lapel Pin, and booklet) for each candidate.
Degree Location: Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Church - 294 S Sparta Ave, Sparta, NJ 07871
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 1:30
Degree Start Time: 2:00
Contact Name: Gil Gibbs
Contact Title: Grand Knight
Phone Number: 973-670-7217
Email: [email protected]
Candidate sign-in time 6:45pm. RSVP to GK Rolland C. Coutinho. Phone: 856-220-9989. Email: [email protected]. Degree Location: 350 W Crystal Lake Ave, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.
Candidate sign-in time 6:30pm. RSVP to CUF Degree Captain, PGK, SK Tim Bradshaw. Phone: 862-812-2534. Email: [email protected]. Degree Location: St James Parish Ctr., 184 S. Finley Avenue, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Repast following CUF Degree Exemplification Ceremonial - Candidate Sponsor please bring CUF Degree Candidate Kit - which includes KofC Rosary and KofC Pin. All candidates and guests will be asked to sign in. Candidates after completion of CUF Degree will be asked to sign Council's Constitutional Roll. We will have a basket for a voluntary donation collection to offset the cost of the repast. Vivat Jesus.
Degree Location: St. Philip the Apostle Marian Hall Clifton
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 6:15pm
Degree Start Time: 6:30pm
Contact Name: Michael Cervine
Contact Title: PGK
Phone Number: 19732203095
Email: [email protected]
Additional Comments: Call for location Directions
Degree Location: St Aloysius Church 935 Bennetts Mills Rd, Jackson, NJ 08527
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 6:00pm
Degree Start Time: 6:30pm
Contact Name: Frank Schear
Contact Title: District Deputy
Phone Number: 732-278-8281
Email: [email protected]
Additional Comments: Mass starts at 5:00pm, candidates are asked to attend Mass with their families. Families and friends are asked to stay for the Ceremony. Food/refreshments in Morello Hall afterwards. This Mass and Degree are in honor of DD Dennis Gibson PGK, PFN Please email comments or questions to [email protected]
Candidate sign-in time 6:45pm. RSVP to GK Rolland C. Coutinho. Phone: 856-220-9989. Email: [email protected]. Degree Location: 350 W Crystal Lake Ave, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.
Candidate sign-in time 6:30pm. RSVP to CUF Degree Captain, PGK, SK Tim Bradshaw. Phone: 862-812-2534. Email: [email protected]. Degree Location: St James Parish Ctr., 184 S. Finley Avenue, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Repast following CUF Degree Exemplification Ceremonial - Candidate Sponsor please bring CUF Degree Candidate Kit - which includes KofC Rosary and KofC Pin. All candidates and guests will be asked to sign in. Candidates after completion of CUF Degree will be asked to sign Council's Constitutional Roll. We will have a basket for a voluntary donation collection to offset the cost of the repast. Vivat Jesus.
Degree Location: St. Philip the Apostle Marian Hall Clifton
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 6:15pm
Degree Start Time: 6:30pm
Contact Name: Michael Cervine
Contact Title: PGK
Phone Number: 19732203095
Email: [email protected]
Additional Comments: Call for location Directions
Candidate sign-in time 6:45pm. RSVP to GK Rolland C. Coutinho. Phone: 856-220-9989. Email: [email protected]. Degree Location: 350 W Crystal Lake Ave, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.
Degree Location: St. Philip the Apostle Marian Hall Clifton
Candidate sign-in time (typically 1/2 hour before degree start time): 6:15pm
Degree Start Time: 6:30pm
Contact Name: Michael Cervine
Contact Title: PGK
Phone Number: 19732203095
Email: [email protected]
Additional Comments: Call for location Directions
Candidate sign-in time 6:45pm. RSVP to GK Rolland C. Coutinho. Phone: 856-220-9989. Email: [email protected]. Degree Location: 350 W Crystal Lake Ave, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.
Candidate sign-in time 6:30pm. RSVP to CUF Degree Captain, PGK, SK Tim Bradshaw. Phone: 862-812-2534. Email: [email protected]. Degree Location: St James Parish Ctr., 184 S. Finley Avenue, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Repast following CUF Degree Exemplification Ceremonial - Candidate Sponsor please bring CUF Degree Candidate Kit - which includes KofC Rosary and KofC Pin. All candidates and guests will be asked to sign in. Candidates after completion of CUF Degree will be asked to sign Council's Constitutional Roll. We will have a basket for a voluntary donation collection to offset the cost of the repast. Vivat Jesus.